Bible Truth Podcast

The Rising Crime and Attack on the Family

Greetings brethren and hello brothers and sisters in Yahshua, the Messiah! This is Elder Dan and welcome to this episode of the podcast, where we discuss some pressing issues that are a serious threat to our society.

Today’s topic is the rising crime and attack on the family with respect to two issues – abortion and gender confusion.

Abortion has been a controversial topic for years now, with both sides presenting compelling arguments.

However, what we fail to realize is the impact that this decision has on the family. Abortion destroys an innocent life that has the potential to grow and contribute to society.

In addition, it affects the physical and mental health of the mother, which in turn affects the well-being of the family.

We live in a society where the family unit is already under attack, and we cannot afford to contribute to its destruction any further.

Another issue that has raised a lot of concern in recent years is gender confusion. People are confused about whether they are male or female, and this is affecting their emotional and mental well-being.

This confusion is not just limited to adults, but is also affecting children who are being taught that gender is fluid and not fixed.

The societal norms that have been in place for centuries are being challenged, and we are seeing the emergence of a new way of life that is not sustainable.

Gender confusion has become an epidemic, and it is affecting the family unit. The traditional roles of parents and children are being challenged, and this is leading to a lot of confusion and chaos.

As a society, we need to take a step back and re-evaluate our priorities. We need to ask ourselves what kind of future we want for our families and our children.

Do we want a future where life is disposable and gender is a fluid concept? Or do we want a future where the sanctity of life is respected and traditional family values are upheld?

It’s up to us to make a change. We need to start educating our children about the value of life and the importance of family.

We need to lead by example and show them that traditional family values are not outdated but are still relevant in today’s society.

We need to work towards creating a society where both men and women are respected and valued for who they are. A society where the family unit is strong and the sanctity of life is respected.

We owe it to our children and to ourselves to create a better future.

So, let’s get started and make a change. Let’s work together to build a society where family values are upheld and life is respected.

Thank you for reading and listening to this episode of the podcast, and I hope you’ll join me again next time for another important topic.

In closing, I pray that Yahweh bless you and keep you; that Yahweh makes his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; that Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace, amen!

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