Bible Truth Podcast

Fourth Commandment of the Bible

The Fourth Commandment of the Ten Commandments of Yahweh, the Father in heaven, from the Scripture

Hello. Welcome back to another episode of the educational podcast, where we delve into the ancient texts of the Bible and explore the timeless wisdom they hold. I’m Elder Dan, your host.

Today, we’re talking about the Fourth Commandment of the Bible, one of the most iconic and widely recognized commandments from the Ten Commandments of the Bible. Join me as we examine the words of Yahweh on the subject of rest and Sabbath.

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The Fourth Commandment in the Ten Commandments of Almighty Yahweh, the Father in heaven, can be found in Exodus 20:8 and Deuteronomy 5:12 in the Holy Scripture. It’s a simple yet profound statement that reads: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

So, what does this commandment mean? On the surface, it seems straightforward. Yahweh is telling us to remember the Sabbath and set aside one day a week to rest, reflect, and worship. But let’s dig deeper. In ancient Israel, the Sabbath was a day of rest from physical labor. It was a day when people could recharge their energies, spend time with family and friends, and focus on spiritual pursuits.

But there’s more to this commandment than just a day off. The Sabbath is a reminder that Yahweh is the Creator of the universe, and that He is our ultimate provider. It’s a time to acknowledge His sovereignty and trust in His goodness. As we rest, we’re reminded that Yahweh, our Elohim, will love and accept us in His Kingdom by faithfully and sincerely honoring His Sabbath.

So, what day is the appointed day of Sabbath? In the Bible, there’s no ambiguity – it’s Saturday, the Seventh Day. From Genesis 2:2-3, we see that Yahweh rested on the Seventh Day after creating the world. And in Exodus 20:8-11, we’re commanded to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

But why Saturday? Why not Sunday or another day of the week? Well, my friends, it’s because Saturday is the only day that aligns with Yahweh’s creation story. It’s the only day that commemorates His rest and our own rest in Him.

Yes, the Bible explicitly states that the Sabbath is to be observed on the seventh day of the week (Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15). The early Church continued to observe Saturday as their Sabbath day (Acts 13:14; Acts 17:2; 1 Corinthians 16:2).

And let’s not forget that Yahshua Himself kept the Sabbath on Saturday. In Mark 1:21 and Luke 4:16, we see that Yahshua attended synagogue services on Saturday mornings, where He would read scripture and teach about Yahweh’s Kingdom.

So, what does this mean for us today? It means that we should prioritize our Sabbath rest on Saturday. We should set aside time for worship, prayer, and reflection on this day. We should also use this time to connect spiritually with our brothers and sisters in the faith, and to engage in activities that bring us joy and peace.

Yes, we need to prioritize rest and our spiritual life. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in workaholic tendencies and neglect our own well-being. But Yahweh says that rest is essential for our spiritual growth and overall health.

Additionally, we can use our Sabbath time to worship Yahweh in creative ways. Whether it’s reading Scripture, singing hymns, or simply enjoying nature, we can use this time to reconnect with our Creator and express our gratitude.

And let’s not forget that the Sabbath is not just about us; it’s also about community. In biblical times, people would often gather together on the Sabbath for worship and to socialize spiritually. We can do the same today by setting aside time with family and friends to share meals, tell stories, and build relationships.

And finally, let’s always remember that keeping the Sabbath is all about honoring Elohim’s creation story. By keeping Saturday as our Sabbath day, we’re acknowledging Yahweh’s sovereignty over all things.

That’s all for today’s episode of the educational podcast, brethren. Join me next time as we explore more of the Bible’s wisdom on living a life that honors Almighty Yahweh and Yahshua the Messiah.

Before I go, let me pray this prayer for you: May Yahweh bless you and keep you; may Yahweh make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. I humbly pray these things to Yahweh through Yahshua, the true name of the Messiah, our Master, and coming King, amen. May you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear for this heavenly message. Pray for peace in Yerushalayim. Halleluyah!

Bible Truth Podcast

What is the Biblical Day to go to Church and Worship Yahweh?

The Biblical Day to go to Church and Worship Yahweh according to the holy Scripture

Hello. Welcome to this edition of the podcast. This is Elder Dan, your host. Today, I’ll talk about a topic that is very near and dear to my heart and that I believe needs attention, and that is: Have you ever thought about what the biblical day is to go to church and worship Yahweh?

If you would rather listen to this, just click the play button below. 🙂

This episode is also available to listen FREE in other Pod Networks below.

In the Bible, specifically in the Old Testament, it is said that Yahweh rested on the seventh day after creating the world. This day is referred to as the Sabbath.

Meanwhile, many religious groups worldwide typically worship on Sundays, but as sincere as they may be, they don’t decide biblical truth. Yes, sadly, only very few churches observe Saturday as the Sabbath day.

Now, be honest and answer this: As far as you know, is Sunday the correct day to go to church and worship our heavenly Father Yahweh? This is a question that has sparked many debates and disagreements within religions, and I hope to shed real light on this issue, but the answer is no to the question above. Why? I’ll explain it further below.

Firstly, let’s look at the historical and biblical context of the Sabbath day. In the Old Testament, the Sabbath was observed on the seventh day of the week, which is Saturday. This day was set apart as a holy day of rest and worship, a time to honor Yahweh and recharge from the previous week’s labor.

However, after the resurrection of Yahshua, many Christians and other religious sects started to gather on Sundays to commemorate the day that Yahshua rose from the dead. So, while Saturday is biblically considered to be the original Sabbath day in the Old Testament, Sunday has been man-made as a day of worship for many religions for centuries and has continued this tradition over time. But why? Answer: deception!

So, which day is the correct day to go to church and worship Elohim? The answer is Saturday, from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, to be specific. The correct day for worshiping Almighty Yahweh does not depend on any man-made interpretation, personal preference, hearsay, or tradition of men but on the correct understanding of what’s actually written in the holy Bible. We must follow and obey Yahweh, not men!

For a very few, Saturday remains the day of rest and worship, in accordance with the Old Testament teachings. This is observed by those in Judaism, Hebraic, Seventh-day Adventist, and limited numbers of Christian churches. These individuals believe that adhering to the original Sabbath day honors Yahweh and sets them apart from the rest of the world.

And yes, Yahshua, the Savior Himself, observed the Seventh-day Sabbath, and we should too if we are to truly follow in His footsteps as believers! Always remember that Yahshua and His teachings are the same yesterday, today, and forever, according to Hebrews 13:8!

Yet many Christians worldwide gather on Sunday to commemorate the resurrection of Yahshua and to fellowship with other believers. This tradition has been ingrained in the Roman Catholic Church for over 2,000 years, and is blindly followed by the vast majority of Christian denominations. They’re led to believe in a concealed lie!

What’s important to remember is that any religious denomination itself is not what’s most important; it is the correct day, the act of worship, and that of honoring Almighty Yahweh that take place that truly matter.

Keep in mind that there’s only one true Elohim, one faith, and one baptism that is acceptable to Yahweh, the Almighty in heaven! Read it in Ephesians 4:5-6: “One Master, one faith, one baptism; one El and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”

Ultimately, the decision of which day to worship is not up to you and me– it is up to Yahweh Himself! Besides the correct day of worship, it’s very important that we take time to praise Yahweh, reflect on His holy word, and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Messiah Yahshua.

To those of you who are still in the fence to believe me for what I’ve been saying here, I’d like you to think very deeply of the following words of Yahshua, the Savior Himself highlights in Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Do you know what the above words mean? It means that many are deceived, and if they continue on that path, they will be destroyed! While those very few who found the precious truth of the Bible will be rewarded eternal life when Yahshua returns back from heaven!

This concludes this podcast. Thank you for listening or reading. But before I go, let me pray this prayer with you: May Yahweh bless you and keep you; may Yahweh make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. All these things I humbly pray to Yahweh in the name of Savior Yahshua, our Master and King, amen. Halleluyah!

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Bible Truth Podcast

The 7th-Day Sabbath Forever Covenant